Please re-apply when you have found a contractor.
When would you like the work to be done? MayMayJulyJulyAugustOctoberOctoberDecemberDecemberJanuaryMarchMarch 20352034203320322031203020292028202720262025 What’s the best price you’ve had so far?£ inc VAT What's your maximum budget for this project?£ inc VAT
What kind of work requires cover?
Please log in to the Extra Warranty Dashboard where you can manage your project
We will contact you soon.
Your contractor is Extra Warranty approved and your Extra Warranty will be registered shortly.
Your contractor is Extra Warranty approved.
Extra Warranty cover can be provided on this project for £30 (inc VAT)
Click here to view Terms and conditions
Purchase Extra Warranty
We will contact you shortly to arrange payment.
A member of our team will contact you shortly to discuss payment options.